Did you know that 90% of English words with two or more syllables have roots in Greek and Latin? An extensive vocabulary book is essential for improving your reading comprehension.
You can easily read more effectively by adopting the top-notch strategies in this book. This vocabulary book is setting a foundation for lifelong learning and reading success.

About Book
For The Wise
What sets Words for the Wise apart and above other vocabulary books?
It is simple: other vocabulary books may offer more than the reader wants or needs. Book One in Words for the Wise builds on familiar Latin roots and prefixes using repletion and reinforcement. Those looking for a straightforward, uncomplicated introduction to basic English vocabulary need look no further.
Have you occasionally misused or misunderstood certain words? Are you feeling lost in expressing precisely what you mean?
This entry may also be called “mea culpa.” The purpose here is to expose, acknowledge and correct errors that may appear in Words to the Wise or on the website.
The first error is an egregious one that cannot be easily overlooked. The first volumes printed contained a spelling error on the cover. That error has been corrected, but the error could not be corrected before some books were sent.
To those who made such a purchase, I encourage you to hold on to your copy. By the time you bequeath it to your grandchildren it could be the Inverted Jenny of the Amazon publishing world.
The second error was a spontaneous utterance in my podcast. Since the interview was unrehearsed, the error may not be as serious, but still offends my standard of accuracy. When asked for an example of a word from the book, I blurted out “Erick Shakleton” under persevere. Of course, I know that his first name is Ernest and I apologize to any descendants who may hear the podcase. I assure them that I am aware of the importance of his being ernest.
“Laud” to Diane M for spotting a typo – page 26 in paperback, page 25 in hard cover. Departed is the correct word.
Latest Book Online
Words For The Wise
Struggling to start conversations, or you can’t seem to find the appropriate words to say? If yes, then look no further. I have the best vocabulary book for you.

Grammar Tips
Prepositions present a special problem in grammar. A noun is a name for something, a verb is an action, an adjective describes a noun, etc. The lowly preposition, however, defies categorization and begs to be learned by rote.
Below is a list of common prepositions. If you do a google search, you will find many more, but these should do for most situations. We have added some sample sentences to show how quickly we can identify the right preposition when dealing with only one pronoun.
Podcast Interview
It’s your time to say goodbye to awkward silences. With this book, to improve communication skills, there would be no misreading people or situations or losing out on social or professional engagements.
Achieve your full potential with this educational book to read.
You’ve got the tools of great communicators in your hands. It’s time to stay in your powerzone to elevate your social skills and self-esteem.
Word for the Wise focuses on a simple yet effective approach. This educational book concentrates primarily on familiar Latin root and prefixes – a perfect guide to ace standardized tests and enhance marketability.
Get started with your journey to exciting conversations, robust connections, and cultivating meaningful relationships today.
Don’t miss out! Buy your copy NOW!!

About Author
Patricia Metzner
As the author of Vocabulary Book, Patricia Metzner has a lifelong passion for vocabulary and its role in communication gave a foundation for this book. Moreover it required another level of involvement to write a book that centers on a specific area of words: words with Latin roots. Although Patricia has never taught Latin, She found it to be the most useful course she has ever taken, and wants to share that experience. A book of 129 pages cannot replicate four years of classes and is not intended to. The Vocabulary Book Writer designed this comprehensive book to showcase the possibilities and spark further interest.