About The Book

For The Wise
What sets Words for the Wise apart and above other vocabulary books?
It is simple: other vocabulary books may offer more than the reader wants or needs. Book One in Words for the Wise builds on familiar Latin roots and prefixes using repletion and reinforcement. Those looking for a straightforward, uncomplicated introduction to basic English vocabulary need look no further.
Have you occasionally misused or misunderstood certain words? Are you feeling lost in expressing precisely what you mean?
So if you find yourself weary of having people seemingly talk “above” you then we’ve got you covered with the Book to improve vocabulary.
Words for the Wise is the perfect solution. This book has helped millions of people improve their self-esteem, work skills, and academic success. With this book to increase vocabulary, you will discover how to use word roots to strengthen your language skills, locate words that will help you market your ideas, and pick up new vocabulary every day that comes with a complete pronunciation guide.
It is focused: Books One and Two stress different levels of vocabulary but both use repetition and example. Book Two was originally developed for test preparation, from PSAT to SAT to graduate exams, all of which have vocabulary sections. To reiterate, other sources may result in overload whereas Words for the Wise gets straight to the point, does not digress and makes this ideal vocabulary book for beginners.
Students are exposed to a greater variety of Latin roots in this Book to expand their vocabulary. In this Book to expand your vocabulary, your vocabulary can be reinforced through exercises and the introduction of new Latin terms in context sentences. In order to help students understand how to use roots as tools in their everyday interactions with new words, it encourages additional practice with them.
It is affordable: the author has chosen to set a price that makes Words for the Wise affordable. Words for the Wise stands out as a comprehensive resource, the best English vocabulary book guiding students through practical vocabulary enhancement without unnecessary detours. The goal is to reach as many readers as possible, with a special goal of reaching those for whom private tutoring and broad programs may be unattainable and of limited use.